SK | 05th–06th May 2025


How will the European Commission change the gas business

Place: Hotel pod Lipou – Harmonnia, Modra, Slovakia 


Main discussion topics-preliminary programme

Day 1

1. Gas package of the EU – A Threat or an Opportunity? (13:00 - 15:30)

The winter package and its impact on the forthcoming gas legislation, the energy-climate plan and possibilities of its implementation.

Hosted by:                      Jan Klepáč, Slovak Gas and Oil Association

Keynote:                        representative of IGU – requested

Panel discussion:

  • Tomasz Dabowski State Secretary, Ministry of Energy of Poland – requested
  • Ján Petrovič, General Director of the Energy Section, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic– requested
  • Robert Hajšel, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
  • Pavol Poláček, Partner, Poláček&Partners
  • Pál Ságvári, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary
  • Lívia Vašáková, Head of Economic Analyses Section, Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
  • Jan Zaplatílek, Director of the Gas and Liquid Fuels Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic – requested

Coffee break

2. The present and future of the energy storage (16:00 - 18:00)

Energy storage as a commercial and security element in the energy sector.

Hosted by:                      Richard Kvasňovský, Executive Director, Slovak Gas and Oil Association  

Keynote:                        Catrinus Jepma, prezident ERIG – requested

Panel discussion:  

  • Matěj Hrubý, Analyst, EGÚ Brno
  • Martin Slabý, Chairman of the Board, Czech Gas Association
  • Ján Weiterschütz, Národná vodíková asociácia Slovenska
  • Roman Zavada, Innovation Project Manager, Nafta
  • representative of SAV – requested
  • representative of academic sphere – requested

Day 2

3. The Energy Security of the EU after winter 2019-2020 (9:00 - 11:00)

Gas routes, reservoirs, supply stability. Gas as a solid component in the Central European Energy Mix.

Hosted by:                      Jan Klepáč, Slovak Gas and Oil Association           

Keynote:                        Václav Bartuška, Czech Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech republic - requested

Panel discussion:  

  • Michal Kocůrek, Analyst, EGÚ Brno
  • Ján Pišta, analyst, JPX - Development of natural gas prices in Europe and their prediction
  • Slawomir Sieradzki, Director of Gas Market Development, GAZ System
  • Gottfried Steiner, Chief Executive Officer, Central European Gas Hub AG
  • representative of eustream - Reverse gas flows in the Central European region – requested
  • representative of Gazprom - requested
  • representative of Naftogaz - The situation in the gas supply through Ukraine - requested4

Coffee break

4. Role of gas in transport (11:30 - 12:30)

Infrastructure development in the European context. Development of the use of LNG for long-distance transport, Slovakia as a significant transport junction.

Hosted by:                      Richard Kvasňovský, Executive Director, Slovak Gas and Oil Association     

Keynote:                        representative of SPP – CNG – requested

Panel discussion:  

  • Michal Kaliňák, Central Director Office of the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia
  • Petr Procházka, Institute of Circular Economy - requested
  • Veronika Vohlídková, Director of Legislation and Strategy Department, Czech Gas Association

Coffee break

5. Gas sector in relation to the climate protection (12:45 - 14:00)

Options for the substitution of nuclear and coal resources in Europe. Development of gas irrigation (pressing biogas into gas systems in Europe).

Hosted by:                      Jan Žižka, Senior Consultant, Energy Specialist, HATcom              

Keynote:                         Jerguš Vopálenský, Head of Network Business Development, SPP-Distribúcia

Panel discussion:  

  • Milan Lapin, Head of the Meteorology and Climatology Department, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava – requested
  • Tomáš Špacek, Member of the Management Board, EGÚ Brno
  • representative of EGF Rapotín - requested
  • representative of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech republic - requested
  • representative of the Slovak Biogas Association - requested

Program is subject of change - will be precised in 2021.

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